Cleaning Services - Miami Beach
Before you come to a decision, it’s only natural to research cleaning services in your area and compare companies on the basis of experience, pricing, guarantees, and so on. Unfortunately, this can leave you more confused because everyone seems to promise the same thing.
Separating trusted and reliable cleaning services from those that make ‘empty promises’ isn’t easy.
When it comes to choosing the best house cleaning company near you!, Here we are!. Trusty professional team dedicated to offer you the service that you deserve.
Not only do we deliver premier cleaning services to homes all over South Florida, we stand by every single one of our promises - Guaranteed!
Hard Cleaning is available for houses, apartments, townhouses, estates and offices.
Our prices as you can see they are very competitive.
Try our service and if you don't like it, we will refund your money
Why book with us?
Simple Flat-Rate Pricing.
Book & Pay Online With Ease
Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning upon request (no extra fee) - 100% safe for your family and pets
Bonded and insured professional cleaning teams
2 hr
95 US dollars3 hr
145 US dollars4 hr
195 US dollars45 min
30 US dollars1 hr
30 US dollars1 hr
50 US dollars1 hr
30 US dollars4 hr
Please Contact Us